We all know that organizations need change in order to thrive, but times of transition can also be unsettling—for staff, for the board, and for the donor community. And a change in top leadership is among the most challenging times for an organization. Steady leadership can make all the difference. Someone who can parachute in during this period can gain the trust of the staff, reassure members of the board, and retain donors’ confidence while keeping the organization functioning well day-to-day.
One option is to select and hire an Interim Executive Director (IED)—someone who is an expert in the transitional issues that often accompany leadership change. If you are not familiar with what an IED does, please read on.

How I Can Help You
As a seasoned Interim Executive Director, I’m trained specifically to lead during these complex periods. I know how to stabilize an organization, keep day-to-day operations functioning at a high level, and direct critical priorities like fundraising, organizational structure, board relations, and governance. If you want to learn more about IEDs, check my FAQ page.

Interim or Acting?
If you’re not sure of the differences between these two kinds of leaders and don’t know which path best suits your organization’s needs, fill out this checklist.

Contact Me
Need more information? I’m happy to answer your questions. You can email me or, to set up a consultation, please go to my Contact page.